IoT in Agriculture, Automation in Farming

How IoT and Automation are Transforming Agriculture?


The modern agriculture industry is under tremendous pressure to feed the rapidly growing global population. However, the growing population is not all to blame. There are other factors the agriculture industry has to cope with, like changing consumer preferences, labor shortage and environmental responsibility. What is the way forward, given all these challenges affecting the agriculture industry? The answer is no brainer-automation and IoT applications in agriculture. Modern agriculture technology comprises smart farming practices such as farm automation, smart irrigation systems, sensors, drone technology, IoT in agriculture, etc. The advent of this modern farming technology assures a promising future for the agriculture industry.  

Let us explore various challenges in the agriculture industry and the role of automation and IoT in overcoming those challenges through smart farming practices.  

Challenges in Today’s Agriculture Industry

Let us understand in detail the challenges in today’s agriculture industry. 

1. Varying consumer preferences: The rise of ‘fast food culture,’ especially in metro cities across the globe, is now seeing a reverse trend. The growing cases of obesity and heart problems have transformed people’s eating styles. People today are adopting a ‘back to basics’ approach and prefer plant-based healthy food options. While it is a fantastic opportunity, it also demands vast farm production to meet these new consumer preferences.  

2. Availability of labor for farming: Considering the challenges ahead of the agriculture industry, we could hardly find young people willing to work in farming. Moreover, people are increasingly inclined to live an urban lifestyle. Thus, the farming industry deals with a labor shortage.  

3. Growing social and ecological demand: Several non-profit organizations today work for environmental causes. Along with such communities, local authorities expect eco-friendly agricultural practices, which means minimizing the usage of chemicals such as pesticides and other resources to promote sustainability. This growing social and ecological demand expects a shift in conventional agricultural practices. 

IoT in Agriculture and automation help in overcoming the above challenges. Let us find out how.  

 The Role of IoT in Agriculture

Modern farming technology comprises of IoT (Internet of Things) based farming, also called smart farming, enables farmers to monitor their farms remotely. It helps track water usage and find nutrient levels, enabling farmers to adjust the amount of fertilizers and pesticides per the requirements. This practice ensures optimal harvesting yields, enhancing agriculture management systems.  

IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of interconnected devices such as sensors and software to exchange data over the Internet. 

Below are some of the benefits of IoT in agriculture:

1. Enable data collection: IoT technology employs real-time monitoring and analytics systems to collect data. This data empowers farmers to execute better control processes. For example, smart agriculture sensors notify farmers of the factors that may affect crop growth. Using such information, farmers can take preventive measures to avoid any potential losses.  

2. Improve crop quality: Data received through smart sensors help farmers map out crop cycles and maintain the health of each crop. Aerial surveillance facilitated by drones detects any issue early on and helps improve crop quality. 

3. IoT helps farmers with cost and resource management by eliminating resource overuse and minimizing wastage. 

Along with the above benefits, IoT technology presents cybersecurity threats to farming data. However, farmers need to be educated on security measures such as regular software updates, setting up internet connection restrictions on the use of IoT devices and using transport encryption algorithms to secure communication of all devices etc.  

This way, IoT in agriculture improves farm management efficiency while posing some implementation and security concerns. However, if dealt with such issues cautiously, IoT can be a game changer in the modern agriculture industry. 

The Role of Automation in Agriculture

Farmers need to deal with multiple labor-intensive tasks on a day-to-day basis. These tasks can be automated through robots and autonomous machines. For example, agriculture robots can automate seeding, watering, harvesting etc. We have automated tractors, harvest automation, seeding and weeding robotics and automated irrigation/smart irrigation systems that free up humans from repetitive tasks. Robotic systems utilize artificial intelligence and computer vision and perform tasks with great precision. 

Below are some of the benefits of automation in agriculture:  

1. Robotics in agriculture perform various tasks efficiently, saving farmers time and money; farmers can deliver fresh produce aligned to the consumers’ changing food preferences. 

2. Automation reduces the dependency on labor to perform repetitive farming tasks. Robots can perform tasks such as seeding, watering, harvesting, and monitoring. Thus, the problem of labor shortage can be fixed with automation. For example, Automated or driverless tractors can be controlled remotely and can work efficiently without any human intervention.   

3. Automation facilitates precise resource usage. This also reduces pesticide usage, making agriculture an eco-friendly practice. For example, robots can execute seeding and weeding with precise amounts of pesticides, enhancing crop quality, and causing minimal damage to the crops and environment.  


Modern farming technologies, including farm automation and IoT in agriculture, offer a promising future to the agriculture industry. They offer means of efficient, productive, and sustainable agricultural practices. Also, they overcome challenges presented in conventional farming. Thus, it is essential to educate the farming community on the implementation and usage of such technologies to improve farming efficiency and maximize profitability. 

TerraTech is an advanced AgriTech platform employing modern farming technology to realize the vast potential of automation and IoT, thereby helping farmers boost their farming practices and drive teh desired growth.   


People Tech Administrator

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